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Uppsala The Viking Fest of Minnesota invites you to celebrate our ancient, traditional celebration of Vitrnaetr with us!

The three-day Vitrnaetr celebration takes place on the first Full Moon, following the first New Moon after the Autumnal Equinox by following the old calendar. This celebration of the completion of harvest activity welcomes many vikings back from long journeys, marking the end of the norse agricultural year and the beginning of the dark season that will give birth to a new year. We honor and celebrate this time with games, competition, music, feasting, ritual and more. But beware of Draugr, and other darkness and superstition that you may encounter at this time!

We honor and celebrate this time with a traditional feast and Mead-toberfest, Minnesota’s first mead focused gathering of mead makers, honey producers and fermentationists utilizing honey in their products. 

We welcome all to attend and immerse yourselves in all the glory of the norse culture,  as the seasons bring new change to our lives. We will feast, hear the old stories, compete with friends, enjoy the norse music, and breathe the onset of winter.

Attendance is limited and a ticket is required for admittance to the feast and the fest. All are welcome to attend and although a ticket is the only requirement, we strongly encourage all to come dressed as you best imagine a norse person or viking would have dressed for such an occasion. If you are unable to do so, you may just find an opportunity to obtain a tattoo, braid or actual historically accurate clothing.

(The feast is a 21+ event to allow a safe atmosphere for those in attendance, not to provide anything of an explicitly 21+ nature. The fest is open to all ages, but specific programming for young vikings is not available at this time. The site grounds have not been drastically modified at this time to specifically accommodate vikings with significant mobility challenges or requiring mobility assistance devices.)

Overnight accommodations are available.

This Vitrnaetr event will be hosted at our new permanent location, where plenty of surprises await you, near Mora, MN.

October 6

Midwest Viking Festival

November 15

Wednesday Night Axe League